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     The Greenbush-Middle River Student Council is the student body representative of the Greenbush-Middle River School.  It is a position that should be taken seriously.  Members of the student council are in a leadership position.  A Greenbush-Middle River Student Council member has several responsibilities.  Some of the responsibilities will be outlined in this document however it must be noted that member’s responsibilities are not limited to this document. 


     Student Council membership will be comprised of the following:

2 7th Graders

2 8th Graders

2 Freshmen

3 Sophomores

4 Juniors

5 Seniors

     In grades 9-12 once elected to student council a member will be able to serve on student council for the remainder of their high school career or in time of good behavior.  7th and 8th grader members will need to run/rerun each year until their freshmen year. 

     If a member is showing that they are not making a contribution to the student council, they may be expelled from the student council by the advisor or by a 2/3 vote of the student council.  An expelled member will not be allowed to serve on student council again.

  Should a class choose not to fill a student council position in the regular election that position shall remained unfilled by that class for the year.  It may however be filled in subsequent years.  

     Each Student Council member shall have 1 vote with each vote carrying the same weight.  


     Student Council elections will be held on the third Friday after the third Monday in September.  Those students who are returning student council members and would like to remain on student council must notify the advisor within the first week of school.  They must also return the staff recommendation sheet. 

     Before being placed on the ballot, students interested in student council must pick up a letter of intent to run.  This form can be picked up from the student council advisor or high school office.  Students will be responsible for gathering two teacher’s signatures to vouch for that student as a candidate.  The students must also sign the form and turn it into the high school office no later than 1 week before the election.  If forms are turned in late by a candidate, they will not be on the ballot.  There will not be write in candidates on the ballot.  Every class will be eligible to vote for any student council member seeking election. 


     Once the student council has been elected for the year the whole student council will elect the following officers:  President, Vice President, Secretary. 

     The President will be responsible for setting up meetings, conducting meetings and working closely with the student council advisor and building principal coordinating student council activities.  The Vice President will take over if the President is absent, ill or is unable to perform his/her duties.  The secretary will be responsible for taking meeting minutes and keeping track of student council points for lettering.


     Student Council members who loose their position because of inappropriate behavior or lack of involvement will not be replaced.  A class is thus losing 1 of its voting members.  If a student council member should resign or a position is vacated because of death or illness the remaining student council members and advisor may nominate and select an individual to fulfill the term.  This individual must be from the class in which the vacancy occurred. 

     If an individual should determine over the summer that they no longer want to be a student council member that person’s position will be filled with the next election.


     Student Council will be responsible for sponsoring Homecoming and Winter Blast each school year.  Date and time of each event will be decided by student council.  Each event will include daily dress up dates throughout the week of the event and will include a dance at beginning or end of the week.

     A Homecoming court will be elected each year a minimum of three weeks prior to the Homecoming Coronation event.  Attendants will include couples from the following:

7th Grade – 1

8th Grade – 1

Freshmen – 2

Sophomores – 2

Juniors – 2

Seniors – 4

     The fifth highest senior vote getter, both male and female, will be the emcees for the event.  Once a student has served as part of the homecoming court they may not serve again until their senior year.  In the event that every member in their class has served, all students in that class will again be eligible.  In order to serve on the homecoming court a student must be attending school in the Greenbush-Middle River School building and must not have any MSHSL violations.  


     Lettering for student council will be based on a point system.  In order to qualify for a letter, students must accumulate 20 points.  Points can be earned from the first day after school is officially dismissed for the year until the Monday of the second to last week of school.  Point totals will carry over from year to year until a person receives a letter.  At that point a member’s point total will start over as they may receive more than one letter for being on student council.    

     Points can be earned based on the list included in this section.  The student council advisor will have final say in any student lettering and will base that decision on the student’s moral and ethical character along with their contributions to student council.

     A student council members point total will be kept by the student council secretary.  Any student council member wishing to have points applied to their total must present their reasoning for why they should be awarded points at the next student council meeting following the activity.  Failure to apply for points at the meeting following the student council member’s activity will result in that member getting no points.    

     All seniors who complete student council will receive a plaque at the end of the year awards banquet.  A senior student council member can be denied a plague if a majority of the student council members who are not seniors vote to rescind that member’s plaque.  Cause for rescinding a member’s plaque could include but are not limited to poor moral and ethical behavior, lack of student council participation, inability to maintain satisfactory academic progress.  

Lettering Point System 

1 Point

Student Council Meeting (Maximum 10 Points)

(Points can be lost if a student does not attend a meeting)

2 Points

Student Council Vice-President

Student Council Secretary/Treasurer

Attending School Board Meeting and reporting on student/school activities and school environment. 

1-3 Points

Decorating For Dances Sponsored by Student Council

Participating/Planning in Activities for school weeks sponsored by Student Council. 

1-5 Points (Based on the involvement and leadership provided by President.  Point total will be determined by Student Council Advisor and President.)

Student Council President

1-10 Points (Based on Activity and Time Involved.  Point total will be determined by Student Council Advisor and student or students involved.)

Community Involvement Activity


     Student Council responsibilities are what the student and members involved make of it.  They can be a passive group or one that establishes and promotes a healthy school environment and positive school atmosphere.  Student Council members are the student’s voice and are responsible for seeing that if changes can or need to be changed are followed to the proper chain of command.